Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all have a great time with family and friends! From my family: Tracy, Peter, Kaden and Baby Lewis!!
P.S i didn't forget about the december daily...i will catch up soon!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December Daily: December 1st- December 4th

I'm a bit behind but i don't really care...and plus i have to go to walmart to get my pics done..and i don't feel like trekking out in the snow for a few pics every day! So with that said, here is day one to day 4!!

Here is the Cover of my December daily just to start out with:
Day One:
I used pictures from the weekend just because December 1st we didn't do too much...except take Kaden to the hospital because we were concerned that he had a bladder infection. But he does not and he is feeling much better. So i didn't take any pics that day. So the pics i did use was when Kaden and I baked some sugar cookies which we all took part in eating the finished product. They were yummy!!

When i started i just had the snowflake transparency page and realized that i needed to add a page for the pictures and journaling. Hence the added red pages.
Day Two:

Day Three:

Tried forever to get a good pic of Kaden and I together and this is what i ended up with! We just chilled at home on this day!

Day Four:

This pic was actually taken before December started but you have to add the classic pic of sitting on Santa's knee. As you can see Kaden was not impressed at all even with the candy! This was his first time sitting with Santa.

Well i will be back with pictures of the next few days completed prob next week sometime...pretty busy this weekend with parties!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Basement Renos Have Begun!!

Well I wrote awhile back that i was going to post some before pics of our guest/office that we want downstairs...well with baby coming the updating is starting to happen!! We bought paint, it is going to be the same color as the nursery. We are just taping and Peter is going to have to do a little mudding cuz there is a tonne of holes..which to be honest i would just paint over but he is a perfectionist. If he wants to do that then that's cool with me! So here are a few pics:

Don't you love the previous owners stripe technique...hee hee...looks like a circus room. Peter is hoping to do quite a bit of reno on the basement during the Christmas break...I'm pretty excited about that. Our basement is an untapped resource..has Peter would say!

Also with the December Daily i will be working on that on sat so you will have to wait till next week to see some of the finished project. I will be posting weekly on this project..just b/c i don't have a photo printer (which I am really wanting for Christmas...Peter are you listening!!) and i don't feel like going to walmart every day! If anyone out there knows of a really good quality, affordable photo printer that prints not just 4X6...let me know...I've been scoping them out but am not always the best a picking this kinda stuff!

Kaden and I watched Rudolph the Reindeer tonight. I haven't watched that movie in a long frightened Kaden a bit, but it was fun to watch with him! Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

December daily

I wanted to share a project that i am going to be doing for's called the December daily...i got the idea from a blog i read! ...her blog is always inspiring to me!! I will be posting more and more of the finished project as days go by in December!

I am really excited about this because it has been awhile since i have scrapbooked and i have really missed how relaxing it is for me! After this project i am hoping to continue to work on kaden's birth to a year pages and other special moments in his life! I would love to get this done before baby#2 comes!!
I am feeling a lot better! I have to now wear maternity jeans and tops. I have an ultrasound in Dec that i am excited for!! We are not finding out what the baby's sex is this time around. The snow is here and it is nice...i like it! The Christmas tree is up and i have almost finished my Christmas shopping and a few presents are wrapped up! I love buying presents for people and wrapping and making them look all pretty!! I LOVE Christmas!!! Peter's family are coming here for Christmas and i am excited that we will be home this year to celebrate!! I can't wait to see the excitement on Kaden's and Liam's face!! I am really looking forward to them all will a tonne of fun! Well i am off to make some Christmas cards for a friend and maybe make some sugar cookies with the little man!
Oh and here is a pic of Kaden on Halloween!! I know a little delayed but it is a really cute pic i just had to add it!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

20% off

That's right 20% christmas cards and tags in the shop until December 10th!

Also i have a few new items in thebrownsweater shop so check those out as well!! i will be adding a few next week as well!

Peter and I are heading into the city to get some shopping done..nope not for christmas..i wish! Peter has to get a few things for his truck and then we are heading to IKEA!!! Yeah hopefully i will snag some great things for my office downstairs. Hopefully soon i will get some before and after pics and post them here!! Also we are staying with some wonderful friends...can't wait to visit them!!

Have a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Niece

Well last week i visited my sister because she, has i suspected was going to have her baby girl early and she did. Rachael was born November 7th. coincidentally we were heading to the city that weekend as well!! So it worked out great. I only wish that i could have left that night when she texted me and said it was time! But Kaden and i headed out that morning and met Rachael around noon!!

I stayed with my sister for about 5 days. I thought i would be doing everything for her, passing baby, laundry, cleaning, food prep etc....NOPE. My sister was doing awesome! She was moving around like nothing happened. She was doing laundry and cooking roasts.

Rachael is doing great. She is sleeping alot and had a bit of jaundice. But she was eating just fine!

Kaden wanted so badly to touch her and give her blankets, kisses and just be near her...but Rachael only weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces so him being around her made me a bit nervous.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We'll See We'll See

Yesterday was my second doctor's appointment for the little bun in the oven. My doc told me the baby was due around April 12. I like that date..and hopefully that is when baby wants to come! But I really am thinking that the date should be later in the month. I will have to get my ultrasound in Edmonton because of the lady who does ultrasounds here only comes 3 times a week. So I'll find out what the ultrasound says and keep everyone updated.
This pregnancy has been a bit rougher then last time. I felt very nauseated for the first three months and now that I am in my fourth month I am getting headaches every day...bad ones. The last two days have been alright so hopefully it is getting better. My hormones this time are out of whack...I am feeling very unmotivated, tired, grumpy, and I have very little patience. I feel so very bad for Kaden because I am not playing with him as much as I should. I really hope these feelings will pass soon. Also it doesn't help that I feel incredibly horrible about myself...although i haven't gained any weight yet...I feel fat and I hate my clothes. Sorry for the depressing end of this post! I am hopeful that this will pass and I trust that God is getting me through this!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I just want to wish everyone a great thanksgiving! We are heading to Edmonton to see family and to celebrate Liam's 2nd birthday!
I am thankful for great family, an awesome husband that loves me for me! A beautiful son that surprises me daily and always brings a smile to my face! Also i am thankful for the baby that God has blessed us with! What are you thankful for????

Friday, September 26, 2008

Vintage store Now Open!!!

thebrownsweater is now open for business so please check it out when you have time!!

Also if your an eager beaver i have christmas cards and tags for sale in my other shop Treelove26.etsy .com.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The rescue

Well recently two of the sweetest people past away and they will be missed dearly! It is great to know though that they are with our father in heaven and have no more pain or suffering to go through! Bud Elford and Lorraine Scott you will be missed.

Today Kaden woke up and had locked himself inside his room. I knew he would be able to do that soon...but not this soon. I should have taken care of that stupid lock. I spent 2 1/2 hrs trying to figure out what to do. I phoned Peter like a hundred times and his foreman. Peter finally called back and gave me a few suggestions that i have already tried with no luck. He then told me to try to go through the window. Ugh I'm not scared of heights or anything but with no one else holding the ladder or anyone there if i were to fall..scared me. I got in the window fine and of course Kaden was delighted to see me.
After slipping him a few animal crackers under the door he was even more excited to finally have some breakfast.

P.S I love my husband for being patient with me and calming me down on the phone!

P.S.S thanks Nikki for the advice!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Etsy Update

Well I have finished a few things for the upcoming holiday season...I know i'm early but i wanted to get items out there so that they would arrive to those that purchase! The cards were fun to make! Here's a peak..the rest is in the shop. I only added a few things.

I am excited to get my vintage shop rolling! Only 10 more days till it opens!! My computer is behaving for now so here is a peak into thebrownsweater:

Well Our fam is heading to the city this weekend. Summer is getting dedicated so we didn't want to miss that. I always jump at a chance to head to the city...It keeps me sane! Also i am really hoping that a visit with my good friend Talia will work out! I miss that girl!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Well I am opening up a new etsy shop on the 28th of September!!! It is a vintage store for all the goodies me and Kaden discover at the thrift store in town or garage sales we have gone too!

The Shop is called so please feel free to check it out September 28th!!! I will post some pics in the next couple of days...I hope... our computer is not working great right now.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Weeks gone by

I seem to be doing a lot of recapping of weeks that have gone by..oh well that's the way I have to do it. Well three weeks ago was my 24th was great! My hubby came through and planned a birthday party for me at Provincial park. It was a very nice surprise! He even got icecream cake...yummy!
I have never really made up goals for myself but i wanted too this year and what a list i came up with..whew. I won't list all my goals just a few! This Year i would love to:
-Paint more
-Read more
-Laugh and Enjoy life more!
-Spend more time in Prayer and build a better relationship with my saviour!
-Hang out with friends more and plan fun get togethers!!
Just a few things..I would love to do more!
In the past few weeks Peter and I went camping the September long weekend. Jason and Lins came out and my sister and her boyfriend. It was very relaxing...the weather wasn't the best but we had fun none the less! Played a few games, had a few bike rides and personnally i prob ate too much! But that's what happens when you camp...gotta eat the good food.

After that my sister stayed at our place for a few days! It was great to show her around town and just sit and visit with her! It was her first time out since Kaden was born and the first time she has seen our new place. It was very nice!

Well there is my weeks gone by update! Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather and colors!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well this past weekend was busy and fun again! We went in on Saturday and went straight to visit Sarah, Brian, Liam and new baby..Summer Dawn Lewis!! She is adorable! It was a great visit and I am excited to be an aunt again!

After that Peter and I went on a date for our anniversary...KID FREE!! Yeah!! We went to a Greek Restaurant soo tasty!! There was a belly dancer that made Peter blush hee hee! You'll have to ask Peter about that one! After that we went Go Karting!! So fun! Haven't done that in awhile!

Sunday we went to Fort Edmonton Park with the fam! The last time i was there was when i was like 8 so it was great to see all of it again! We went on the train soo fun.

It was a great weekend and was awesome to visit with Auntie Kathy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

4th Anniversary and Babies!!

Our anniversary was yesterday! I love being married to Peter!! He is such an awesome husband, father and he is my bestest friend!!! We didn't do too much...just cuddled watching a movie! Since it was a week day we didn't get to go out..which we haven't done together for a long time it seems. So hopefully this weekend we will get to go for dinner or something!

Well besides yesterday being our anniversary it was also the day Summer Lewis was born...Brian and Sarah's new addition!! She is healthy and beautiful i am sure. I get to meet her on saturday and am sooo excited. I will post pics of her next week sometime!!

Also my sister is having a baby in November!! She went to her ultrasound yesterday and found out they are having a girl too!! So excited for her! Can't wait to buy all the girly stuff!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Our holiday weekend was a bit intense to say the least!

Starting with the 1st of August. We drove to Edmonton, did some running around for Peter. Stopped in at my parents. Visited for a couple hours with my Parents, Grandparents and Curtis. Then we went to Brent and Lena's, where we were staying for the night. Ate some birthday cake...YUMMY... I LOVE ice cream cake!!! (Brent's Birthday!!). LOVE seeing Brent and Lena...we always seem to have amazing talks about God!!

Saturday us girls went to the mall and then we all went to Heritage days!!! So fun! We all kinda broke off into smaller groups. Grace, Joy, Kaden and I went off and had some pretty good food. We shared tickets and meals...very good way of doing it so you can taste more of the many different foods!! We were there for about 5hrs. The weather was great and the company was even greater!! We went back to Brent and Lena's. The boys watched a movie and us girls ... lets just say we had a very amusing chat about Peanut Parfait hee hee...good laughs!! Thanks Lena!!

Sunday we went to I miss that place sometimes. Didn't really get a chance to see anyone time I'm sure. We said goodbye to Brent and the Schienbeins and headed off to Millennium Place with Jason to hang with the Peter's fam. Love that great for kids. Kaden had lots of fun! After that we grabbed din and headed to a park to visit more with family. Then we stayed over at Jason and Lindsay's, great to visit with them as well!!

Holiday Monday was spent visiting with family again at DJ and Jeaninne's place. We had crepes which I have never had...very tasty!! Peter and DJ welded a bit at 3 and we left around 4:30/5:00 and cruised back for a dinner with friends..Dan and Kim who were very understanding of us being like 2hrs late. They BBQ a good Salmon. Very delicious meal!!

Then Tuesday was Joy's Birthday at my place so I had to set up for that and make some cupcakes...yummy! Her birthday was great!!! Lots of fun!! Whew so that was our weekend...busy but very fun!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It is the month I got married 4 years ago and my birthday!! So in celebration....Any animal card purchases made in August will include two extra cards!! YEAH AUGUST!!!! F or more details check out the shop!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

*Etsy* Love*

I want to thank everyone who purchased and checked out my shop on the sale days!! My first sale went great! Lots of encouraging words! I am loving making cards and stuff for the shop! I'm hoping in the next couple of months i will be sewing some things and maybe a few paintings!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Well I decided to make this sale a 3 day sale!!! So the Last day of the sale is going to be July if you have checked out the soo now :). Hope everyone's weekend was a bit better then ours!

Peter is getting pretty bored sitting on the couch and is getting pretty antsy. Kaden's behavior sure does change when Peter's around. The routine is pretty much the same but Kaden hasn't been listening very good. Hopefully he will get used to Peter being around and he will settle down.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Broken bones

Well we went into the city to get some more work done on Peter's truck and again the propane injection is not working..UGHH. Hopefully soon! Peter and Brian went dirt biking on saturday and Peter broke his collar bone...AGAIN...for the 4th he is going to be on the couch healing for the next 4-6 weeks...UGHHH. I feel bad and Peter is the kind of person that doesn't like to sit around so I am sure he will find something to do. I prob will have to buy some more truck mags!

Well My store is officially having it's first sale and I decided to put everything up for sale!!!!! So go check it out!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sale -- July 14th

Monday July 14th certain items in my Etsy shop are going to be on sale!!! So be sure to check out my shop!!

It has taken awhile for Kaden and I to get back into a routine and for me to catch up on house work! But soon I hope to be working on some more items for the shop and maybe busting out the sewing machine and trying a few things!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Road Trip To Cali in 11 days

Well our trip didn't start out the way we had hoped. Peter had just got propane injection in his truck to help with the soaring gas prices when we found out that it didn't work. Peter had to take it into the shop before we left. We assumed it wouldn't take long but of course it took 2 full days for them to find out what the problem was. They couldn't figure it out and charged us for the time they took to look at it when it was the manufactures fault....500 dollars. They wanted to take a look at it another day but we said no and started our trip!
We drove from Edmonton around 5pm till about 11pm and slept in BC. Woke up, left around 9 and drove till about 11 again and slept in Oregan. Kaden did soooo awesome with all the driving we did. I was soo surprised and thankful that God heard my prayers!!
Thursday we drove to Portland and quickly realized how difficult it is to drive in a big city with a big truck and trailer so we decided to skip Portland and we kept on driving to Newport, Oregan. Newport was beautiful with the Ocean on one side and the docks/marina at the other side. The ocean was great cold but great. Kaden LOVES water so he had a blast!! We stayed in Newport for about a day and a half. Went to the Wax museum, Ripley's believe it or not and an underground aquarium...these place were definitely not worth the 43.80...I much rather spent that time at the beach..oh well we had to be tourists! We met an older woman that was sooo cute and sweet!! We went bike riding with Kaden and could here a voice saying "isn't that precious" and she came out of her trailer and had to see Kaden. We talked to her a bit and asked us if we were teaching Kaden about Jesus and she was sooo excited to know that we were Christians. She was telling us that she was praying and writing about us in her journal. She even baked us some bread! To think that someone in the next campsite could be praying for your family is soo inspiring and encouraging!!!

From Newport we took off to the Redwoods (Saturday)...very beautiful trees...sooo huge! God's creation is awesome! So creative! The end of Saturday we drove just outside San Fransisco and slept. Sunday..we were in San Fransisco and we saw the Golden Gate Bridge! Again the city was to difficult to drive through so we kept going till we got to Santa Barbara, California!! Another Beautiful place to be! We stayed there for two days! Shopped, rode our bikes on the designated bike cool!, hung out at the beach and got to see some dolphins swim by!
Tuesday we drove to LA. Took about 4 hours just to find a campsite. Found one on Long beach had to pay 65 bucks..ridiculous but all we could find. Then we drove back to check out all the tourist stuff. We didn't have a map so this was difficult and ended up having to miss the Chinese theatre and no chance to walk around. We did get to see the Hollywood sign and Rodeo Drive. Crazy how many lanes they need in LA there were 14 lanes altogether!!

Wednesday we drove to San Diego and went to the zoo! It wasn't has great has i had thought it to be. Maybe because Kaden didn't really understand that there were animals to look at or maybe because he couldn't get close to them. The petting zoo was the highlight for me because Kaden had the most fun there. He always had to bend over to see there faces when he was talking to them so cute! After we were done that we drove just outside Las Vegas. Peter was really hoping that we could drive through Las Vegas when it was dark so I could see the lights but it was getting to late. It would have been 2 in the morning by the time we would have got there. We didn't want Kaden to stay up that late.

Thursday we made our long trip back! Drove to Great falls and shopped on Saturday morning and was in Cold Lake by 11. It was a good experience but i probably wouldn't do it again. I would just fly next time!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I love lists!

Well Peter, Kaden and I are heading to California in the next couple of days and the lists never end. I make lists every day. What I need to get done, grocery lists ( that never change...I should just make a permanent one), and lists for when we are going somewhere. I see what needs to be done in the house but I still have to make lists. I go through tonnes of notebooks a year writing the same things down. I love lists!
Monday Peter's truck is getting work done in the city so we will be heading to Cali probably monday night! I am sooo excited! So I probably won't be around in blog world for awhile since i have soooo many things to get done!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May Long

It seems this is the year for sickness! Kaden was sick again then I got sick after the May long weekend. Ugghhh!

Well we are all good for now! We went camping on the May long and it was great!!!! Kaden went camping last year but he was only like 6 mths old. So this year he was able to do a lot more! We played at the park, LOVES the slides!! He played a lot in the dirt and sand! He got sooo dirty, it was great! We ate lots of junk, sat around the fire and just had a good time with eachother!

Well I have sold 10 items in my Etsy shop!!!! So exciting!! I love making things so it is really encouraging when others like what I make and wanna buy it! I Love mailing things off!! This is a great part time thing for me!! Somedays it's hard to get any thing done because of Kaden but I fully take advantage of the time when he naps! So if you haven't checked out my shop there might be something there that you like!!

On a side note LOVED the movie Juno if you haven't seen it go and rent it!!