Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Niece

Well last week i visited my sister because she, has i suspected was going to have her baby girl early and she did. Rachael was born November 7th. coincidentally we were heading to the city that weekend as well!! So it worked out great. I only wish that i could have left that night when she texted me and said it was time! But Kaden and i headed out that morning and met Rachael around noon!!

I stayed with my sister for about 5 days. I thought i would be doing everything for her, passing baby, laundry, cleaning, food prep etc....NOPE. My sister was doing awesome! She was moving around like nothing happened. She was doing laundry and cooking roasts.

Rachael is doing great. She is sleeping alot and had a bit of jaundice. But she was eating just fine!

Kaden wanted so badly to touch her and give her blankets, kisses and just be near her...but Rachael only weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces so him being around her made me a bit nervous.


shinbone #4 said...

She's adorable!! I'm so glad it worked out so well for you to be with your sister :D

shinbone #4 said...

She is adorable, I am so glad it worked out for you to be there at just the right time :D