Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May Long

It seems this is the year for sickness! Kaden was sick again then I got sick after the May long weekend. Ugghhh!

Well we are all good for now! We went camping on the May long and it was great!!!! Kaden went camping last year but he was only like 6 mths old. So this year he was able to do a lot more! We played at the park, LOVES the slides!! He played a lot in the dirt and sand! He got sooo dirty, it was great! We ate lots of junk, sat around the fire and just had a good time with eachother!

Well I have sold 10 items in my Etsy shop!!!! So exciting!! I love making things so it is really encouraging when others like what I make and wanna buy it! I Love mailing things off!! This is a great part time thing for me!! Somedays it's hard to get any thing done because of Kaden but I fully take advantage of the time when he naps! So if you haven't checked out my shop there might be something there that you like!!

On a side note LOVED the movie Juno if you haven't seen it go and rent it!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Watoto Children's Choir

Well the Watoto Children's choir was just in our town yesterday and I must say they were incredible!! I love their energy and their spirit!! They all were great! The music was awesome. Kaden was good he just ran around and danced a bit. Pretty good considering it was way past his bedtime. I just have to say that if the Watoto children's choir come to your city please go it is definitely worth it. Also if you want they need financial help so if you can sacrifice 35 bucks a month do it. It is soo worth it to see these children have a chance to get schooling, health care and just have their basic needs met!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's day!!

As you all know Mother's day is tommorrow!!! This is my second year being a mom! Peter is working so it's going to suck a bit but i'll be hangin out with Kaden all day!

I want to wish all those momma's out their a great day full of LOVE!!!

Also I just want to mention that my Mother's day cards in my shop are on sale now!!! Check them out!! http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5764354

Friday, May 9, 2008

Girls Night

Yeah it's girls night!!! I'm excited!! I'm sure it will be a tonne of fun!
It has been a great week!! I got to see my sis and go shoppping! It has been tooo long since i've seen her! I find it sooo hard to meet up with everyone from the city but we try.
Kaden is feeling much better, he got his belly back...so cute. But the cuddles have ended :(. He's not much of a cuddler.
I'm helping at a school today for a garage sale tomorrow. I LOVE garage sales. Maybe i will find some goodies!! All the proceeds are going to the Watoto childrens choir (http://www.watoto.com/). Our church is hosting them when they come to town! They are going to be here May 13...I am so excited. I have seen a few videos of them and they are so cute! Hopefully our community steps up and help these widows and orphans!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


For about the last month or so I have been looking around on the internet for ideas for my craft room that I would like to set up in the next couple of months. There is sooo much eye candy out there!! I love Flickr and other people's blogs! I have soo many ideas! Also I have been really wanting to scrapbook! Just need to develop some pics then I am set!
I'll post some pics of the room downstairs that I have to work with. I am soo excited to make that my own space to create!!!!!!
Peter's Brother and his family are in town... so I am off to visit! Hope everyone is having a great weekend it is sooo beautiful out!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring & Sickness

I think Spring has finally sprung! The snow is melting and the sun is shining!! So excited for this change.
My little man is sick. He has been sick since tuesday night. Throwing up, sleeping alot, and not eating very much. I hate it when he is sick! I hope the little guy feels better so he can enjoy this beautiful weather and we can get out of the house!!