Thursday, October 23, 2008

We'll See We'll See

Yesterday was my second doctor's appointment for the little bun in the oven. My doc told me the baby was due around April 12. I like that date..and hopefully that is when baby wants to come! But I really am thinking that the date should be later in the month. I will have to get my ultrasound in Edmonton because of the lady who does ultrasounds here only comes 3 times a week. So I'll find out what the ultrasound says and keep everyone updated.
This pregnancy has been a bit rougher then last time. I felt very nauseated for the first three months and now that I am in my fourth month I am getting headaches every day...bad ones. The last two days have been alright so hopefully it is getting better. My hormones this time are out of whack...I am feeling very unmotivated, tired, grumpy, and I have very little patience. I feel so very bad for Kaden because I am not playing with him as much as I should. I really hope these feelings will pass soon. Also it doesn't help that I feel incredibly horrible about myself...although i haven't gained any weight yet...I feel fat and I hate my clothes. Sorry for the depressing end of this post! I am hopeful that this will pass and I trust that God is getting me through this!

1 comment:

Swoosh said...

Oh, Tracy! I'll keep you in my prayers! I remember those days of hating everything, and feeling like crap. If you ever want to chat, I'm home mornings and evenings . . . hormones suck!